Rendering - Get Render Status/Result

Rendering - Get Render Status/Result

This endpoint retrieves the status and, upon completion, the result of a render job initiated by the POST /api/render endpoint.


GET /api/render/{renderId}

Path Parameters

  • renderId (string, required): The unique identifier of the render job, obtained from the response of the POST /api/render request.

Response (In Progress)

  "type": "progress",
  "progress": 0.204 // 20% Progress percentage (0.0 - 1.0)

Response (Completed)

  "type": "done",
  "url": "", // URL of the rendered video
  "size": 14396911 // Size of the rendered video in bytes

Response (Failed)

  "status": 500, // Or other relevant error code
  "message": "An error occurred during rendering.",
  "code": "RENDERING_ERROR" // Example error code

Response Parameters

  • type (string): Indicates the status of the render: "progress", "done", or "failed".
  • progress (number, only present when type is "progress"): The progress of the render as a percentage (0.0 - 1.0).
  • url (string, only present when type is "done"): The URL of the rendered video file.
  • size (number, only present when type is "done"): The size of the rendered video file in bytes.
  • status (number, only present when type is "failed"): The HTTP status code of the error.
  • message (string, only present when type is "failed"): A descriptive error message.
  • code (string, only present when type is "failed"): An optional error code for programmatic error handling.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url[renderId] \  // Replace with the actual renderId
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

Example Response (Completed):

  "type": "done",
  "url": "",
  "size": 14396911